How packaging impacts your flexographic print solutions

Shifts in the packaging industry have a massive impact on your flexographic print solutions. Read about the latest shifts to stay competitive.

Fast market growth and COVID-19 related changes to consumer behaviour are compelling flexographic printers to stay competitive by innovating their printing solutions. And it’s only by staying at the forefront of your industry that you’ll be able to benefit from a booming global packaging printing market. This market is projected to enjoy a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9% until 2026


The need to innovate to maintain your success is highlighted by a Research and Markets study — they conclude that top printers maintain their advantage by continually adapting their offerings.


In this post, we explore the opportunities arising from the growth in flexible and plastic packaging as a result of shifts in the packaging market. By understanding how these packaging needs impact your flexographic print solutions, you’ll be able to adapt to the challenges of this rapidly growing industry. 


Shifts in the flexographic packaging industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a decline in some flexographic packaging markets and an increase in others. Due to lockdown restrictions, ecommerce has exploded in popularity, with huge gains in consumers buying groceries, takeaway meals and pharmaceuticals online.


Along with food delivery, single-serve packaging and food pouches have become a packaging standard. As ecommerce customers expect fast product delivery, flexographic printers fast printing solutions that can handle the volume of ecommerce orders. For insights into how packaging changes are being driven by customer behaviour, read our post on the top flexographic printing and packaging trends.


Apart from ecommerce, the packaging market is expanding alongside swelling industrial populations in emerging markets like China and India. Higher purchasing power in these areas leads to more goods being purchased in both online and offline spaces. 


Why plastic isn’t going anywhere

Despite environmental concerns, plastic packaging is here to stay — this industry has a forecasted CAGR of 4% until 2027. While enjoying growth, plastic companies are also looking for ways to be more sustainable. This includes increasing the ratio of recycled plastics used in packaging.  


Printers pushing for sustainability should know how their process affects the plastic’s material of value — compromising this impacts how reusable or recyclable packaging is after printing. 


The renewed demand for plastic is led by the growth in packaged food and pharmaceuticals, many of which are destined for online sale. COVID-19 health concerns have also strengthened the desire for plastic packaging, which is seen as more hygienic. 


Packagers will continue using plastic because it’s:

  • Cost-effective 

  • Lightweight

  • Hygienic

  • Has a low packaging-to-product ratio

  • Can easily have its size adjusted


To prepare for success, printers should operate with the understanding that plastic will remain a dominant force in packaging. Your product offering should plan for an uptick in printing on plastic and, for brands switching to plastic packaging, printing is critical in carrying over brand messaging without alienating customers. 


Taking advantage of flexible packaging trends

With a projected 4% CAGR until 2025, Flexible packaging continues to be a growth area. Mirroring plastics, the expanding use of flexible packaging is linked to the rise of ecommerce and increased healthcare and food and beverage deliveries.  


Flexible packaging benefits:

  • Lightweight packaging 

  • Reduced cost as fewer materials are used 

  • Airtight packaging increases product shelf life

  • Zips, spouts or seals make it convenient and easy to access products

  • Paper laminates make flexible packaging more eco-friendly than plastics 


The soft and flexible nature of this packaging solution makes it easy to customise. For printers, this is an opportunity to create memorable packaging.  


As flexible printing is often used for food packaging, printers should take advantage of additional demand for grocery and takeaway deliveries.


Adapting to shifts in the packaging industry

The demands of the packaging have a massive impact on your print business. By staying aware of industry trends and shifts in the marketplace, you’ll be well-positioned to innovate your business and then hone your competitive advantage.  


Here at tesa, we’ve driven printing innovation by introducing the tesa® Twinlock, a self-adhesive plate mounting solution that improves business efficiency, cuts costs and helps you hit your sustainability targets. Wonder how we can make such big promises? Read more about the tesa® Twinlock to discover where our confidence comes from. 


If you want to learn more about embracing innovation and staying competitive, read our free guide on future-proofing your print business.