The top 5 flexographic printing and packaging trends

To survive and thrive, flexographic printing companies should adapt to the latest printing and packaging trends. Find out about 2021’s top trends.

With packaging, the medium is the message. The first experience that a consumer has with your product is with its packaging. Packaging can tell customers whether a product is luxurious or practical — or if it cares about the environment or your health. 

In the US, seven out of ten buy products based on their packaging. And with online buying, your packaging impacts how likely people are to appreciate your brand, recommend your product and leave positive reviews.


This gives flexographic print and packaging enormous power to educate consumers about your product’s value. 


As with other industries, flexographic printing and packaging are influenced by manufacturing and design trends that affect how consumers compare, select and use products. Due to COVID-19 shutdowns, customer behaviour and expectations have changed, along with the leading packaging and printing trends. To stay competitive, printers should keep up with these trends, especially as many of them are driven by consumer demand. 


In this article, we unpack the top trends influencing printing and packaging, starting with COVID-19’s effects


How COVID-19 has accelerated flexographic packaging trends  

According to this McKinsey report, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of people going online to buy products — leading to sharp declines in packaging types like high-end products and footwear, while boosting packaging for groceries and at-home entertainment. Reflecting changes in consumer buying habits, the pandemic has led to demand for ecommerce packaging has skyrocketed.


This research also shows that a desire for sustainable packaging, while still a concern, has been side-lined by consumers in favour of hygienic packaging like plastics. Despite leading to waste, plastic packaging protects products from exposure to viruses and bacteria. Importantly, the push for hygienic packaging doesn’t need to be at cost to sustainable solutions — companies that develop hygienic eco-friendly options will discover a competitive advantage. 


With COVID-19’s influence on packaging, we're seeing brands and businesses move to more hygienic and sustainable packaging, all while ensuring high-quality prints, label transparency and even incorporating personalisation to get ahead of the competition.


Pivotal trends affecting flexographic packaging and printing

The following trends play a pivotal role in aligning your flexographic packaging and printing with consumer demands.


  •  Hygienic packaging

While the risk of infection by the virus from food products and packaging and bags is thought to be very low (currently there are no cases according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention), many are worried about the possibility of getting COVID-19 from food packaging.


But returning to plastic isn’t the only solution — packagers are developing protective materials, including coatings for cardboard packaging that prevent viruses from replicating and bacteria from growing.


As the hygienic packaging trend is linked to COVID-19, packaging and printer companies should pay attention to how this demand changes as we enter a post-pandemic world. DS Smith Managing Director Chris Murray predicts that hygienic packaging will remain “a lasting priority once the COVID-19 pandemic eases.”


  • Sustainable packaging

Consumers still care about sustainability. As the realities of climate change and our collective responsibility sink in, consumers and governments alike are demanding more sustainable flexographic packaging from the business sector. This is leading to the development of packaging methods and materials that have a reduced impact on the environment.


According to Mordor Intelligence, the biodegradable packaging market was valued at USD 93.59 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly to USD 126.85 billion by 2026. Forward-thinking flexographic print and packaging businesses should ensure that sustainability is integral to their business practices, including their material choices, supply chain and choice of technology.


At tesa, we help flexographic printers hit their sustainability targets by offering a reusable and self-adhesive plate mounting solution. As our sleeves can be used endlessly, you significantly cut down on your wastage. 


  • Label transparency

Rather than being literally transparent, this growing trend speaks to companies clearly communicating what a given product contains. A transparent label won’t try to hide or obscure potentially harmful ingredients — in food or cleaning products, for example — and helps consumers to understand the impact and consequences of their buying decisions. 


While the terms “clean label” and “clear label” have been around for several years, in 2021 they are becoming better defined and understood.


  • Personalisation

Consumers respond well to personalisation. Adweek has found that personalisation can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, while Epsilon has reported that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that offers personalised experiences.


This trend has already entered the world of product packaging, with Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign being a clear success story. But while that campaign relied on printing common names with broad strokes of personalisation, developments in digital printing capabilities make it easier for brands to offer their customers customisable products and packaging.


  • Flexible packaging

According to Smithers Pira, the flexible packaging market is set to reach a value of $269 billion by 2024. Flexible packaging offers brands and consumers versatility and convenience while taking up less space than its rigid counterparts. 


As technology advances and better materials are developed, flexible packaging will become viable for a wider range of product types; from tech gadgets to FMCGs and everything in between. With the increased availability of biodegradable materials and sustainable flexographic printing practices, flexible packaging is suitable for environmentally conscious consumers. 


Adapting to 2021’s top flexographic printing and packaging trends

Flexographic printers and packagers should embrace the latest trends to make them more competitive and flexible in the long term. By keeping up with trends, companies are also able to broadcast brand identity and product value to consumers.


These top trends include using digital printing technology to personalise packaging and or using self-adhesive and reusable sleeves to minimise wastage.   


Remember — with packaging, the medium is the message. And your customers care about your message. 


For more insights on how you can survive and thrive in the coming years, click on the link below to download our free guide on future-proofing your print business.