Food sealing, Food packaging, Food trends

Which is better: Lift & Reseal or double-sided bag closure?

tesa® Lift & Reseal and double-sided bag closures are popular reusable food packaging solutions. Read this article to learn their respective benefits and ideal use cases.

Food packaging has changed significantly over the last few decades. This has predominantly been driven by consumer behavior and demand. For example, convenient and hassle-free food packaging will always outperform food that’s difficult to open or leads to unwanted waste. Large-scale awareness of the environmental impact of single-use plastics has also led to increased demand for food packaging that can be used time and time again, without sacrificing efficacy or aesthetics.

Two popular reusable food packaging options are single-sided adhesive (Lift & Reseal) and double-sided bag closure. In this article, we will compare these two and shine a light on their strengths, shortcomings, and ideal use cases.


The benefits of tesa® Lift & Reseal

tesa® Lift & Reseal is a single-sided resealable bag closure system that can be used effectively in many types of food packaging. The system can be applied to any food item in flexible packaging, as the mechanism works by folding or rolling the opening of the packaging down, and then securing it in place with the single-sided adhesive tape. Here’s what it looks like in action:


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The tesa®Lift & Reseal offers sufficient adhesive tack for approximately 20 successful reclosure actions. This makes it perfect for FMCG food items that are consumed within a relatively short period of time, such as snacks, fruit, nuts, and other dry foods.


Key advantages of Lift & Reseal include:

  • Improve the user experience and freshness of food products
  • Reliable adhesion with strong shear strength for up to 20 reclosure actions
  • Customizable design that can include branding and clear user instructions
  • Cost-effective and scalable, with easy integration into standard food packaging production lines.

To learn more about the tesa®Lift & Reseal single-sided resealable bag closure system, click here.


The benefits of double-sided bag closure

The range of tesa® double-sided bag closure tapes takes food packaging resealability to the next level. These tapes can sustain their tack and adhesion strength for extended periods of time, functioning in much the same way as resealable zipper pouches. But compared to zipper pouches, double-sided bag closure is low cost, scalable, and presents no risk of a malfunctioning sealing mechanism.


Here is what double-sided bag closure looks like in practice:


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Key advantages of double-sided bag closure include:

  • Acrylic or synthetic rubber adhesive with indefinite strength and stability
  • Excellent resistance to aging, with zero adhesive residues that risk food contamination
  • Consumer-friendly, with the option for an extended fingerlift liner
  • Improved user experience of food items, with long lasting freshness
  • Cost-effective and can easily be integrated into the production line

To learn more about our double-sided bag closure tapes, click here.


So which option is better?

Both tesa® Lift & Reseal and double-sided bag closure are cost-effective, reliable, and user-friendly options for food packaging resealability. The primary difference between them comes down to the type of packaging that needs to be resealed. For products with a lifespan of under 15-20 uses, such as snacks, fruit, and nuts, then tesa®Lift & Reseal could be the right solution. It is the lower cost and can deliver high-quality resealability for as long as it’s needed.


For products that require longer-term resealability, or that require a more premium packaging experience, double-sided bag closure is the more appropriate solution.


No matter your food packaging adhesive needs, tesa has the experience and expertise to deliver your perfect solution.