Food sealing, Food packaging, Food trends

Does resealable food packaging reduce food and plastic waste?

Consumers prefer resealable food packaging because it reduces food and plastic waste. Read this article to learn how it achieves this.

If we take the total amount of food produced for human consumption, roughly one-third of that food goes to waste. By the year 2030, people around the world are predicted to spend approximately 1.3 trillion euros on wasted food.

In a previous blog post, we highlighted that many consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchasing habits. This is driving demand for resealable food packaging solutions, which are perceived to actively reduce food waste and promote “conscious consumption”. But the effect of resealable food packaging goes far beyond consumer perception, with tangible impacts that benefit manufacturers, retailers, and consumers alike.


In this article, we will examine some of the ways that resealable food packaging reduces food and plastic waste.


Extended shelf life keeps food and plastic out of landfills

Arguably the clearest way that resealable packaging mitigates food waste involves preventing spoilage. After all, food is meant to be eaten, not thrown away. When a food item does not have resealable packaging, it is far more likely to be exposed to factors that promote spoilage such as oxygen, light, heat, and humidity.


With resealable packaging, consumers have a quick and convenient way to store food products hygienically. This is especially significant for items that aren’t typically kept for extended periods of time, such as snacks, fruit, and nuts. Without the option to reseal, consumers either have to eat more than they would otherwise, throw the remainder away, or throw away the food packaging and introduce a new sealable container to store the produce in. Each of these options are damaging at scale: leading to unhealthy eating habits, food waste, and increased plastic waste.


Choosing the right resealable food packaging solution

Resealable food packaging can empower consumers and brands to meet the food waste challenges of our generation on a global scale. But to do this effectively, manufacturers need to use the right type of packaging for their products. At tesa, we have two distinct categories of resealable food packaging solutions: the single-sided Lift & Seal adhesive and the double-sided bag enclosure. 


Both solutions are cost-effective, reliable, and easy for customers to use, with the primary difference being the intended length of use. For perishable products with shorter lifespans, like fruit and ready-made snacks, tesa®Lift & Reseal is ideal. For products that require longer-term resealability, like cereals, nuts, and non-perishables, the double-sided bag closure will retain adhesion for as long as needed.


To learn more about the differences between tesa® Lift & Reseal and double-sided bag closures, click here.


Get the best resealable food packaging solutions, with tesa

We are a worldwide manufacturer of adhesive products and solutions with a rich history of helping the food industry cater to consumer demand for resealable packaging. Throughout this endeavour, we are simultaneously committed to promoting good health and environmental stewardship. 


With tesa® resealable food packaging solutions, you can provide high-quality food items with packaging that customers can use multiple times. Empower your customers to make better, more sustainable food purchasing decisions.