blog tesa France


Adhesive products and complete solutions for all industries, for the optimization of production processes, product improvement, and quality of customer service.

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Yeni tesa®4646 Sera Onarım Bandı

Film kaplı seralar, cam veya plastik tabakalardan yapılmış seralardan çok daha u...

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Food sealing

Does resealable food packaging reduce fo...

If we take the total amount of food produced for human consumption, roughly one-...

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Food sealing

How do resealable food packaging solutio...

Resealable food packaging is a growing consumer trend that presents many benefit...

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Food sealing

How resealable product packaging can boo...

According to Statista, the global food and beverage market is expected to see an...

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Food sealing

Do consumers actually prefer resealable ...

The short answer: yes, consumers overwhelmingly prefer resealable food packaging...

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Food sealing

Which is better: Lift & Reseal or do...

Food packaging has changed significantly over the last few decades. This has pre...

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Discover our Buzz Squeak and Rattle tape...

BSR (Buzz, Squeak and Rattle) is one major root-cause for undesired noises. With...

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4 unconventional modern elevator designs

Elevators have come a long way from their functional beginnings as efficient ver...

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The benefits of tesa® adhesive tapes for...

Adhesive tape has come a long way since 1896, when Dr. Oscar Troplowitz transfor...

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